“The threat of starvation is a bit more all-encompassing than the threat of COVID, for many people,” remarks Fera Lorde, a sex worker for 17 years who began working as a homeless teenager in Seattle and is now part of the SWOP (Sex Worker Outreach Program) in Brooklyn. Fera is among the 55 million people in the United States who are gig economy workers and the 1 to 2 million people who are sex workers.

This project documents sex workers in New York City during the coronavirus pandemic. Sex work creates its own complications within an already complex system. Still illegal in New York, there have been numerous efforts to decriminalize sex work. Regardless, even reforms have caused additional problems for sex workers. While some sex workers have moved to online platforms, others have continued to weigh the risks by meeting regular clients in person.

I began this project as an assignment for The Indypendent, which ran the portraits as part of an article about sex work during the pandemic.

Text and Reviews:

Olivia Riggio, The Indypendent, 2021
Social Documentary Network, 2022